Why ScreenFor ACEs?

Why ScreenFor ACEs?

Screening for ACEs can mitigate toxic stress and improve health outcomes

― Nadine Burke Harris

Adverse childhood experiences—commonly known as ACEs—affect children and families across all communities.  


Why screen children and adolescents for ACEs?

Children are uniquely vulnerable to the effects of an overactive stress response because their brains and bodies are still developing. 
1. Routine screenings for children can capitalize on critical opportunities for prevention, early detection, and intervention.
2. ACE screening can prevent and reduce the accumulation of exposures to adversity and the risk of negative health outcomes.
3. Screening improves clinical assessment for and treatment of childhood health conditions.


Why screen Adult patients for ACEs?

Over the past 20 years, studies have demonstrated the impact of exposure to ACEs on adult morbidity and mortality. 
1. ACE screening can improve clinical assessment, patient education, and treatment planning for chronic health conditions.
2. ACE screening helps providers and patients address behavioral pathways to ACE-Associated Health Conditions.
3. ACE screening can validate and empower patients and contribute to improved family health.


Reproductive Health

Why screen patients for ACEs who are seeking reproductive health care?

1. ACE screening helps identify risks to reproductive health.
2. ACE screening promotes a positive cycle of health by reducing the intergenerational transmission of ACEs and toxic stress.
3. ACE screening supports the provision of trauma-informed reproductive health services.